
Maybe some time in future i have great stuff to write and share publications here, but for now a paper and an idea pitch from tech symposiums at school.

Idea Pitch - Personal Banking Assistant

In the DCU Innovation Context as part of Difference Maker initiative at UMass Lowell, we presented our idea as a pitch to Digital Federal Credit Union CEO and board members. It was designed to be on add-on to Traditional Banking setup which achieves the task paying bills (not only typical credit cards or phone bills but everything) automatically never dealing with overdrafts or late fees after setting up the profile in five minutes. The tool also produced smart artificially intelligent categorized expenditure charts and budgeting.

December 2014

Presentation - Semantic Deep Web

Presentation a paper at the symposium held in IIIT Hyderabad, it was based on an article published in the IEEE Computer Society magazine september 2008 edition. The article discussed about Semantic Deep Web and is co-authored by Prof. Geller and two of his students.

February 2010
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