Study English: IELTS Preparation by Margot Politis

April 24, 2020

Study English IELTS Preparation, is a series of English language programs which develops skills and strategies for intermediate to advanced learners of English - especially those preparing to take the IELTS test.

We will deep-dive through the study English IELTS preparation course presented by Margot Politis and produced by the ABC, Australia’s national public broadcaster. She holds an honors degree in Creative Arts & Drama Performance from Flinders University. Insearch team at the University of Technology, Sydney has drawn up the content for the learning series in association with Australia Broadcasting Network.

UTS Insearch¹ is an established, international commercial provider of higher education. According to the website, their purpose is to supply the best available opportunity for students to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to reach their goals. The team includes professors, faculty, and other prominent educators from the UTS community.

The IELTS test consists of four sections: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Study English IELTS Preparation is available on the ABC education website. We have embedded a video from the series for the test takers to understand the format.

She sets up two or three learning pointers to improve for a section in each video then plays real-world conversations among native English speakers. Later analyzes how, when the speaker used each learning pointer and at the end assigns an activity to listeners.

Notes and activities for the video are available on the corresponding page on the ABC education website. If you would like to hone your computer programming skills, please be free to use the below python code to download the notes and activities for personal use. We will discuss the learning points covered in videos in the next two posts.

When I prepared for the IELTS Exam back in April 2018, I curated this collection of resources. I admire the above presenters and organizations, who hosted the invaluable IELTS learning video series, lessons, and resources on the web to students as free content. Content Owners – Margot Politis (ABC) Study English: IELTS Preparation

I would also like to thank the following content aggregators for IELTS resources.

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¹Find more information about Insearch team here.

IELTS™ is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English.

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